Monday, November 29, 2010

Mark McGinnis at Post 27


Thursday, December 2, 2010
6:00-10:00 PM

1819 W Grand Avenue
(312) 829-6122

Mark McGinnis, the first artist to be featured in the Front Forty Profiles Series, is showing a rather cheeky series of handsome silk-screened prints Death Drugs and Hot Dogs: A Contemptuous Lexicon of Popular Culture at Post 27 in Chicago.

E if for Embryo, D is for Drive by, G is for Gimp, M is for Merkin... come find the letter that's speaks to you!

You can take a sneak peek of McGinnis' alphabet at!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chicago Book Clinic Awards 2010!

Founded in the 1936, The Chicago Book Clinic encourages excellence in publishing. The purpose of the Chicago Book Clinic is to promote the highest standard of craftmanship in bookmaking and publishing and to promote understanding and cooperation among all the professions and trades concerned with the publishing industry.

Front Forty Press received the Crystal Book Award of Excellence for the publication of The Time After (designed by Tim Hartford) in the Special Trade Division (Pictorial) at the Chicago Book Clinic's 59th Annual Book and Media Show. The award is presented for excellence in cover and interior book design. One of two Honorable Mentions went to Front Forty Profiles Series No. 1: Mark McGinnis. We are very excited to be honored this year!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Printers Ball 2010

Join Front Forty Press at...

The sixth annual Printers’ Ball, which this year takes as its theme “Print Loves Digital,” is an annual celebration of literary culture founded by Poetry magazine and other independent Chicago literary organizations. The Printers’ Ball is produced with the Center for Book & Paper Arts and the Student Affairs Offices of Columbia College Chicago.

What: Sixth Annual Printers’ Ball
The Ludington Building
Columbia College Chicago
1104 South Wabash Avenue
One block west of Michigan Avenue
Friday, July 30, 2010 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM
Free, all ages

In addition to featuring thousands of magazines, books, broadsides, and other takeaways available free of charge, the Printers’ Ball will showcase live readings, music, and performances and host letterpress, offset, silk-screening, rubber-stamping, and paper-making demonstrations. Christian Wiman, editor of Poetry magazine, will offer a welcome at the beginning of this year’s festivities.

For a list of all of this year's participants and lead-up events visit the Poetry Foundation online.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Beautiful/Decay writes up FFPS No. 1: Mark McGinnis

Art and Design publication Beautiful/Decay likes the book. Read the review on their blog.

Afterimage reviews The Time After

There's a great review of The Time After in the May/June 2010 issue of Afterimage: The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism. It's written by by Colin Edgington (on P. 37). We're still waiting for our copy of the issue to arrive, but for now, here's a link to an excerpt (under Special Section on Photo-Bookworks).

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Front Forty Profiles Series No. 1: Mark McGinnis Book Release at Golden Age!



119 N PEORIA #2D
5 TO 9 PM


Please join Front Forty Press, Golden Age & Friends
for some summer drinks to celebrate!

Front Forty Profiles Series No. 1: Mark McGinnis

We are very excited to announce the release of our newest project and 9th book title: Front Forty Profiles Series No. 1: Mark McGinnis. This is the inaugural issue of a continuing series of accessible and affordable soft-cover books on important contemporary artists.

The book!

Enjoy the View, Mark McGinnis

Made in the U.S.A., Mark McGinnis

Green Dynamite continues to spread...

Green Dynamite is now planted at a Chicago Public School!

A few grade levels and classrooms learned about native plants and then planted seeds outside in their landscape...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Green Dynamite at The Op-Shop

Front Forty is excited to participate in General Economy, Exquisite Exchange (GEEE) from Cream Co. (Chicago) as part of Adhocity at the new alternative art space, the Op Shop in Hyde Park. GEEE is a seasonal garden store grounded in the non-commercial, slow-profit exchange systems of neighbors.

For the month of April, GEEE has all sorts of green things for sale or trade, including: FFP's Green Dynamite (tubes of plant seeds native to the Chicago region) as well as vegetable seeds (tomatoes, basil and lettuce), seedlings, April plants, houseplants, a mound of compost, gardening books, handcrafted tomato trellises and lettuce tables, vases and the like.

Cream Co. says feel free to bring any seeds or seedlings you’d like to share, or a favorite recipe, or a houseplant or garden pot, you'd like to trade, donate or sell. Details below:

Come One, Come All, and Come Again!
Op Shop: Adhocity
1530 E. 53rd St. (the former Hollywood video store at 53rd and Lake Park)
Hyde Park
Chicago, Illinois
Opening Reception: March 27th 5-9 p.m.